Thursday, 10 February 2011

David's deer

 David's deer - a rare animal, which is believed to have become extinct in the wild around 3000 years ago and survived only in captivity. Very slowly develops in zoos and reserves.Red Book World
For a long time these deer, otherwise they are called   Mila (Lat. Elaphurus davidianus ) were only at the Beijing Zoowhich in turn of the century, during one of the uprisings (the Boxer Rebellion of 1900) was destroyed. Ate deer rebels, but by the time this is a very rare form came to Europe, where subsequently was brought to his ancestral homeland. Now the world's zoos deer David has about fifteen hundred.
endangered animalsIt is notable for the fact that the deer had too long tail reach forty inches, and broad hooves, as there is, as scientists believe, is from the marshy places. Quite a large animal with a body weight of up two hundred pounds. C -Pen red color, elongated snout and pointed at the ends of the ears distinguish it from deer, which we used to see. The Chinese name of this animal is translated as "four in one" . Means that unusual animal cow hooves, neck camel, bull's horns and tail of a donkey.
endangered animalsDavid's deer once inhabited the Chinese province in northeast China ... Gradually, people have taken their territories rice fields, and the animal was simply no place to live.Red Book Worlddeer in the European part of David came through missionary Armand David (the same one that has delivered panda, golden monkey ). Naturalist saw strange animals in China, at the Imperial Palace.
endangered animalsThe Red List status of the animal world has assigned endangered species . deer David - one of the most vulnerable species of animals on our planet.

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