Giraffe (Latin Giraffa camelopardalis) - animal udivitelnoe.Chtoby get to know him closer, we'll go with you today on the plains of the East African savannah. In this area, good feel many beasts.

But the hero of this article -
the highest animal , not only across the African savannah, but also throughout the world.
Growth giraffe can reach 5.5 meters, and weight - 900 kilograms. If we add to this the fact that the giant has a remarkable sense of hearing and sight, it becomes clear why the giraffe can afford so imposingly roam the African spaces. Giant well see what's going on. But in the case of danger giraffe can achieve a speed of 55 km per hour.

Enemies of the giraffe is not so much (not surprisingly!). There were cases when lions attacked them and gnaws the neck, but this is the exception. Here cubs spotted beauties - the purpose of hunting lions, leopards, hyenas, wild dogs. Therefore, up to four months the mother is watching keenly to her baby (who is born almost two 50-pound miracle) did not fall into the hands of a predator.

Vulnerable these animals during watering. They are forced to quench thirst, legs wide apart. This is a very precarious position is vulnerability to enemy attack. Real danger to the lion and giraffe is ... people.

Interesting fact:
a sleeping giraffe was first captured on film in the 70's of last century. Very careful animal! And the giant sleeps a maximum of 2 hours a day, curled up (I rather klubischem) and head on the rump. But most of all giraffe sleeps standing up, with his head between the branches of the trees, not to fall.

Basic, favorite food giants are leaves. About 35 pounds a day of tasty dishes with acacia trees - that's a favorite diet of the giraffe. And not just because of its growth the animal can easily reach the highest branches of the trees. Language giraffe is half a meter long. And nature has taken care that the animal is not hurt by sharp spikes African vegetation and tongue and lips, and the stomach of the giant arranged so that it can not cause harm to themselves, absorbing a favorite delicacy.

The inhabitants of the African savannah usually kept in small herds. These graceful animals are characterized touching relationship between male and female and no less spectacular fights between males
. in family groups, each individual has their own social status, which must defend (this is the wildlife !). Competitors first show each other their harmless horns, and then pushing and fighting with the neck. The duel may take a long time, sometimes there and injuries, but she always bloodless. Surprisingly, the giraffe is never used in the struggle for the leadership of "foul blow." Only real true enemy can get away knockout hoof. And the force of the impact of this giant is that it can carry the lion's head (a proven fact).
Defeated giant just a few steps away. But the winner now has the right to dispose of all a female herd. And once he produces offspring for as long as the "family" is not a new leader.
Giraffe's heart weighs about twelve (!) Kilograms, almost forty times heavier than a human.

In the dense jungle of Africa, in the Congo, the closest relatives live giraffes. This okapi , or forest giraffe. We have already talked about it in the last article.

There are 9 species of giraffe, only slightly different from each other, but each species has a unique color (like a fingerprint, each animal is unique) This distinctive texture hides a giraffe attracts poachers. Black African people have long hunted the animals, tearing deep holes. Strong tendons were bowstring to the bow, clothes of their skins, many people consider it an indicator of high status, but the number of giraffes is not diminished. With the arrival of the white man in Africa all so much worse. Animals were exterminated in the name of entertainment.
So Red List of the World and is replenished with new kinds of animals. Today almost everywhere
giraffe found rare animals.
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