The leopard cat - animal awesome, perfect, silent and often invisible - in the last century was recorded in the Red Book of the world .
This is a predatory cat belonged to the panther (Panthera) , with a muscular body stretched most of its life in the trees.
Leopard - animal secretive, leading a solitary life. Cautious, even cunning hunters go after prey at night. Of speeds up to 60 kilometers per hour and excellent climbing.
Scientists believe that the ancestors have inhabited Asia leopards are 2-3.5 million years ago. Later, a predatory cat settled in Africa. There, about 170 thousand years ago, there was a kind of modern leopard.
To date, the area of distribution of leopards is quite broad: Savannah Africa , the Caucasus, China, Indonesia, India, Tibet and many other areas. By themselves, lions, tigers and leopards are perfectly adapted. This wonderful world has created a perfect balance of body, weight, intelligence and cunning.
They have a full range of physical characteristics and abilities that improved millions of years. Living in the savannah, forests and even high in the trees, leopard cat forms about 30 sub-species, which differ from each other mainly color, location and size of spots.
African leopard - the most common subspecies of spotted cats. Here in the Dark Continent, even annually allocated quota for their prey. The length of this cat is more than two meters (of which 70 - 110 cm fall on the tail), and weight - 50-60 kg. These parameters depend on habitats. Forest dwellers are usually smaller and lighter than the "plain" neighbors.
One of the most important representatives of this wild cat - Caucasian leopard (Persian leopard, leopard). As the name implies, this cat lives in the Caucasus, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey and Pakistan. Predator up to 180 cm (plus over meter tail) weighing up to seventy pounds. This cat-leopard different lighter gray or reddish color of the basic background skins and two rows of elongated "rosettes" on the sacrum. And the internal field of these spots usually darker than the main color of skin.
The Amur leopard is now on the verge of extinction. The penalty for the extraction of skin this cat - up to 2 years in prison and a fine of up to one million rubles. Today, in the world, this cat is the leopard is found in very small quantities (only 30-35 individuals). The reason for this was primarily soft, thick, bright, golden hue animal skins.
I have to mention one more animal from the family cat, whose name is clouded leopard . This animal is very different from their counterparts and do not belong to a subspecies of the leopard. On the contrary, it is believed that the smoke - the ancestor of all the big cats.
Predator size of a large sheepdog lives in subtropical and tropical forests at an altitude of 1500-2000 meters in the Himalayas.
And the last. Each cat leopard has a unique pattern of spots on the skin. At first glance, the spotted cats, jaguars, cheetahs, leopards are the same. But, if you look closely - the difference is obvious.
Cheetah dark markings on the face, like tears. The fastest animal in the world is different and the structure of the body. It had an elongated, lean - solid muscle. In Tanzania, home to an African serval cat, is so similar to this graceful predator.
But, if a cheetah is clear, then the difference between a jaguar from a leopard ? Jaguar is very similar to a leopard, but spots on his skin look like a flower with serdtsevinkoy, with marks inside.
Do leopard spots much smaller without internal markings. But the color inside the "socket" is much darker than the main gold background. In the trees, a favorite vacation spot of leopard his spots resemble the shadow of the leaves, and it is - a great dress!
Dear readers, this article and the article on the Jaguar does not match all the images presented by sight. Did you find a difference? Where the jaguar, cheetah where, and where the leopard cat ?
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