Sunday, 20 February 2011


Underwater WorldDavy Jones - is manta ray. He jumps out of the water like sea monster.
Still, its width reaches seven meters, and weight - two tons! Of course, such a giant is always hungry, so he overcomes great distances in search of food - plangtonov ..
But size does not interfere with the monumental ramp move easily in the water, gracefully waving wings.
In summer, from June to August, the animal can be seen in the Indian Ocean, often - in the water. Meet a monster - an event not for the faint of heart. Perhaps that is why for many years it was thought that the manta ray attack people and is even able to eat, swallowing whole . Actually, the worst damage that can cause a man found him across the ocean - not in time to jump out of the water and crush boat with their weight.

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