Panther - animal unusually harmonious folded, graceful, flexible. And, if a lion - the king of beasts, the panther - no doubt, goddess of wildlife

at the mention of the black wild cat, many raised each time an association with the wise beauty Bagir cartoon about Mowgli.

Incidentally, in the immortal "Jungle Book," Kipling's wild black
cat panther - it's not a female and a male named Bagir (very common male name in Asian countries). And the creators of Soviet
cartoons have given his character traits in that he was the embodiment of femininity. Intelligence, agility, mystery, grace ... Why are only some sparkling eyes on a black background!

Let's return to our question. Animal black panther? Not necessarily! The fact that the
panther - it is not a separate, independent of the animal. This kind of cat, which includes tiger , lion , jaguar and leopard . A dark coat color - the result of inherited genetic changes called melanism. Most black color variations have leopards and jaguars.

For example, in Malaysia, almost half of the leopard has a black coat color. Generally mutant gene is typical for carnivorous cats living in dense forests, which is rarely a ray of light: animals with black color is less noticeable, but it is very easy their lives. (Here you can remember why the handsome white lion does not live in the wild).

With its neighbors spotted black
panther cat get along well: they do not differ from each other, except for color. So ordered this wonderful world to give the animals that inhabit it, added bonus for survival. Panthers different colors produce offspring, which can be black and spotted kittens (although spotting more wins).
Leopards are found among individuals with incomplete melanism: spots on the skin of blur and merge into a fuzzy whimsical drawing.

Panthers - predatory animals. Their prey mainly - hoofed animals, the size of which sometimes exceeds the value of hunters in a few times. These cats hunt mainly at night, during the day they are less active, but that does not mean that the potential victim should not be afraid of them, if the sun had disappeared behind the horizon.
Panthers - solitary animals. Exception is the only lions live and hunt in packs, prides.

The image of a black cat with glowing eyes became simvlizirovat treacherous woman, clever, intelligent, graceful, mysterious ...
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