Sunday, 20 February 2011

When a cat speaks ...

Your cat often to you talking ? Caring owner probably realizes that he wants his pet, what his mood and health. Do not think that this can only be understood from the behavior of the animal.Purring cat.Listen, you said your Murka.
It turns out that pets are cats able to "pronounce" a hundred different sounds. This is a scientifically proven fact! They even surpass this dog. And the chimpanzee and gorilla.
You are mistaken if you think that the cat is talking with uninteresting meows. It is great being able to pronounce the vowels and consonants, hissing and sonoristic Observe your pet, you will quickly realize much of his language and be able to conduct meaningful dialogue with the beast.
When the cat wants to elicit anything (eat, play), it uses the calls of a certain frequency and loudness.
Back home, you are likely to hear a welcoming purr. Such sounds a cat makes, referring to the well-known to her the man she loves. Remember how she   communicates with her ​​kittens , which is pronounced when she notices a bird on the window, as it expresses its pleasure or annoyance. If you suspect that your pet is sick, ask him about the state of health, in response to hear the plaintive meowing, then your fears are unfortunately confirmed.
It's simple: when the cat is talking , keep talking, and you'll be closer to her and the family ...

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