Monday, 21 February 2011

Why cats bite

Why are these cute a cat bite ?
"The cat is biting only from life cat"
Forgive me, Tatiana and Sergey Nikitin for that paraphrase the famous lines.
Cat - not your dog, and "biting" it is not only because of her life is bites and scratchesGentle, affectionate creature, touching creature who just sat quietly in your arms and blissfully purring may no apparent reason for you to dramatically jump and " bite "even the landlord's hand.
To answer the question of why a cat bite, let's look at the situation through the eyes of the most Murka. Small predators do not really feel comfortable when they are long or stroking with power. In their blood increases the content of adrenaline, they start to worry about, then feel insecure and ... works feline instinct. Your pet is trying to protect himself, he does not intend to cause harm.
Another reason for the sudden aggression pussy may be her poor health, in any case, do not seek to immediately punish delinquent (in your opinion) the animal.
Substantial enough, in terms of the cat, the reason to bite you - the appearance in its territory an "enemy", for example, another cat (cat), and you do not give her a break and rush into battle.
Cats still can suddenly bite stroking their hand because of rancor. (The same predators!). Cute animal can remember for a long time, as I was once someone's hand stroked, caressed it, and suddenly made him sick. (This may be the veterinarian who did the cat shot. Landlord who has suddenly gone bad mood. Anyone who trusted beast.)
Reasons why cats bite , maybe a lot, but often they do not intend that anyone harm.

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