Have you ever hear the howling wolves ? Once there is a feeling of depression, anxiety, right?
Scientists claim that these animals more than 38 million years. What do we know about them?
Wolf belongs to the family canine. From a distance it can be mistaken for a large dog. The weight of the old mother of the beast is 50 kilograms. But occasionally there are giants up to 80 kg.!
How to name this predator? The most common - Grey or Rogue.Often these words are next. More modern name - Orderly forests . As we see the opposite assessment. And it has its reasons. The wolves die each year a lot of elk, red deer, roe deer, wild boar and other animals. Causing great harm to the predator, livestock and hunting. But at the same time is invaluable for the orderly forest ecosystems: it destroys the diseased animals.
The biography is full of dramatic gray pages. Ever since man began to domesticate animals, an independent beast appeared hostile attitude. Man has always considered him a dangerous animal and destroyed wherever built houses, built the land, developed livestock.
By the late 17th century, wolves were exterminated in England, they do not exist in France, the Netherlands, Denmark and Belgium. In the early twentieth century has disappeared from the face of the earth the last representative of the marsupial wolf . Several thousand of these animals left in the U.S. and Canada. Most predators in Russia - about one hundred thousand.
In our country, Gray brothers lives everywhere in the tundra, in the lowland forests, mountains, plains, even in the desert. They live where there is food for them. Forest carnivores roam the gray-brown color, they are light on the tundra in the mountains of Asia, lives a very rare red wolf . Moreover, animals that live in colder climates much larger than their "heat-loving brethren"
Winter - the most difficult time in the life of wolves. In deep snow, hard to get myself food. To make it easier to hunt the animals are favored. Then the wolf and start the wedding, or rut. Interesting to see how Gray talking in the pack. A lot they can tell the position of its tail. Sound communication is also of great importance. It turns out that the wolves of both sexes and various ages to vote. The mother sounds emitted by them have low tones. We wolf it is, and the cubs do whine a puppy.
Voice of wild predators inform their fellow of finding, on the place of production. Sound communication facilitates "medics forest" management pack and thus saves a lot of energy.
Wolves - very smart predators .
Hunting them - clearly defined strategies. Here and beaters, and the invaders, and interceptors, and the ambush, and approach from the rear. And they very well know how to use the natural conditions, be it snow, ice, or mountain slopes. If the subject of hunting boar was - a chance to win your opponents are about equal. Bulls are very strong, agile and can stand up for themselves. Large males have a dangerous weapon - the long fangs-cutters. They can easily rip boar wolf's belly.
Next start other problems. The she-wolf is seeking den. Sometimes, this will fit the holes of foxes .
The cubs are born two months after the rut. Babies are born blind. They begin to see only after 12 days. One female in the same litter is from three to 14 cubs (most often - ot5 to 8). While the kids will not be executed month caring mother even close does not admit to it other members of the pack. Up to three weeks of age the kids are fed breast milk. Then they begin to eat meat. Young animals and it brings not only a father (he follows the sustenance of offspring), but other members of the pack.
Until the fall has not yet grown up cubs do not leave the space is limited, which is home to their counterparts. In September the output of "live" At this time, young animals get used to the transitions and acquire the necessary experience.
Grey robber - a very voracious predator. Hunters say that at one time the wolf is able to eat a whole sheep. That's the way the digestive system of the beast: the food is digested very quickly. Most worryingly, their main diet - pets. If you provide a case, they not only kill animals, as they should be, to be satisfied, and as much as they can. Harm livestock wolves bring huge. Was a case where five wolves in a sheepfold slaughtered 150 sheep and crippled. But such is their nature. They bury uneaten meat, and it saves them from starvation - in the woods anything can happen ...
I wonder how wolves move. Galloping wolf moves heavily, and he trotted on tireless. To step it seems awkward, but on the run speed is detected. Beast easily overcomes the jump obstacle. All this makes it possible to travel long distances to the wolf.
I must say that this animal has a highly developed mind. Great feeling, great vision and a great ear. Can not be otherwise: the struggle for existence! Animal is very good vision during the day and at night. The special features of his vision is the ability to notice even the smallest footprints in the snow, in the woods, on the grass and on the ground. When the wolf was overcome with terror, when he is saved from persecution, goes fast, feel it dull, but if he is alert, but moves quietly, a little much sharper. Observation and good adaptability wolf keeps him myself quite regularly eat, rest, breed and raise offspring even close to human habitation.
But people sometimes do not realize that they live next to the wolves. This is very interesting, secretive and dangerous predators, animals, large and strong. Such animals settle in remote areas, peat bogs, mixed forests, shady areas of coniferous forest. Habitat of the wolf family - distant trees, thick bushes, gullies and other secret places.
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