This wonderful world has an inexhaustible imagination. Heavenly rainbow , the northern lights ..! Is it not a wonder of nature!
Remember: Every hunter wants to know where sits the pheasant. Yes, yes, the colors of the rainbow and they are located in a strict sequence. Perhaps the first person to notice this spectrum was Isaac Newton. True, at first scholar identified five colors, he did not notice the blue and orange. And later, when Newton was spotted six, orange, he considered it a sign of the devil. (How does the number six!) And add to it one more - the color indigo.
We are all humans, most of us tend to see something unusual supernatural.
In fact, the colors of the rainbow - it is the refraction of solar rays, which are reflected in the small droplets of water. And it is from the angle of refraction depends on the color of this amazing natural phenomenon and its causes, as we all know, terrifying natural phenomenon storm .
And finally - one more mnemonic phrase to remember the colors of the miracle of nature: Every designer wants to know where to download photoshop.
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