Wednesday, 3 October 2012

The general notion about the nature and its manifestations

In psychology the concept of nature (from Greek sharacter-"print", "chasing"), refers to the stable of individual characteristics, bifold and manifested in the activities of and communicating, resulting in typical ways for her behavior.
When you define a person's character, saying that such and such a person has courage, truthfulness, honesty, that this man is brave, truthful, Frank, that is, the quality of the properties, traits of his character, which may result in appropriate circumstances. Knowledge of human nature makes a significant probability to predict and thus adjust the expected actions and deeds. A man with a character not seldom say: "he was supposed to do so, he could not do otherwise, so it".
However, the characteristic can be considered as not all human characteristics, and the only substantial and sustained. If a man, for example, not enough veživ in a stressful situation, it does not mean that rudeness and lack of composure is a property of his character. At times, even very funny people may feel a sense of sadness, but they will not be nytikami and pessimistic.
Speaking as a living human nature education is defined and shaped throughout life. Lifestyle includes image of thoughts, feelings, motivations, actions in their unity. Therefore, as is a certain way of life, and the man himself. Important role here is played by the social conditions and specific life circumstances in which human life is based on its natural properties and as a result of his acts and deeds. However, the formation of the character occurs in the various development groups (a family friendly company, class, sports team, the staff, etc.). Depending on what the group is for the individual reference and which values, supports and cultivates in its environment, the relevant personality traits will develop among its members. Character traits will also depend on the position of the individual in the group, from being integrated into it. In the team as a group of high level of development creates the most favourable opportunities for becoming the best traits. This process of mutual and personal development, and develops the team.
The content of character, reflecting the social impact, influence, is the vital thrust of identity, i.e., its material and spiritual needs, interests, beliefs, ideals etc Thrust identity defines purpose, human life plan, its degree of vital activity. The character of a person implies something meaningful for him in a world of life, something which affects the motives of his actions, his actions, tasks, which he himself puts it.
Crucial to the understanding of the nature of the relationship between social and personally meaningful to humans. Each society has its own critical and significant task. They formed and checked the nature of people. Therefore, the concept of "nature" refers more to the relation of the objectively existing tasks. Therefore, the character is not merely any manifestation of firmness, perseverance, etc. (formal perseverance might just stubbornness), and focus on socially significant activities. That is the thrust of personality is at the heart of the unity, integrity, strength of character. Possession of the purposes of life is the main condition for the formation of character. Besharakternomu a person is missing or dispersed targets. However, the nature and focus of the personality is not the same thing. Good-natured and fun can be as upstanding, moralist, and man with a low, dirty thoughts. The thrust of personality has an impact on all human behavior. And although the behavior is not defined by one encouraging and coherent system of relationships in this system is always something is brought to the foreground, dominating it, giving to human nature, a peculiar flavor.
In the formed nature leading element is a system of beliefs. The conviction of the defines the long-term thrust of human behavior, his intransigence in pursuing its objectives, the belief in justice and the importance of the matter, which he performs. Features of nature are closely connected with the interests of the person, provided that the interests of the strong and deep. Superficiality and volatility of interest are often associated with large podražatel′nost′û, with a lack of autonomy and integrity of the human person. And, vice versa, the depth and substance of interest indicate focus, persistence of personality. The similarity of interests does not imply similar characteristics. Thus, among the innovators can detect people funny and saddest, modest and obsessive, egoists and altruists.
Illustrative for understanding nature can also be attachment and human interests, NE
The relationship of the nature and temperament
On the basis of the materialist understanding of human events, it should be noted that shared by the nature and temperament is the dependence on human physiological characteristics, and above all the type of nervous system. Formation of nature greatly depends on the properties of temperament, are more closely associated with the properties of the nervous system. In addition, traits arise when temperament is already quite developed. The character is based on temperament. Temperament determines the character traits such as balance or unbalance, the ease or difficulty of entering into a new situation, mobility or inertia reaction etc But temperament does not prejudge the nature. People with the same properties of temperament may be totally different in nature. Peculiarities of temperament can promote or discourage the formation of those or other traits. So, melanholiku is more difficult to generate a courage and determination than choleric. Choleric is harder to develop a restraint, phlegmatic; phlegmatic should spend more effort to be sociable than sanguine, etc.
However, as b. g. ananiev, if education was only to improve and strengthen the natural properties, it would have led to a monstrous homogenous development. Properties of temperaments can to some extent even come into conflict with nature. P. i. Tchaikovsky propensity to melanholičekim experiences preodolevalas′ one of the main features of his character is his health. "You always need to Work," he said — and every honest artist cannot sit idly by, under the pretext that it is not. If you wait and try not to go to a meeting, then you can easily fall into the laziness and apathy. I very seldom happen nepryhylnosti. I attribute that is gifted with patience, and priučaû himself never succumb to the reluctance. I learned how to win. "
A person with a mature character and temperament ceases to be an independent manifestation of personality, and becomes his dynamic party zaklûčaâs′ in a certain speed of mental processes and manifestations of personality, a certain characteristic of the expressive movements and actions. Here mention should be made of the impact on shaping the character dynamic stereotype, i.e. the system of conditional reflexes, forming in response to persistently repeating system stimuli. The formation of dynamic patterns in humans in a variety of recurring situations influence his attitude to the environment, which may be modified by the agitation, brake, mobility of nervous processes and, consequently, the overall condition of the nervous system. It should be noted the decisive role in the formation of dynamic patterns of second signal system through which implemented social impact.
Ultimately, the traits of temperament and character are organically linked and interact with one another in a single, holistic human guise, forming an indivisible alloy is an integral feature of its identity.
Nature has long identified with the will of the person, the expression "human nature" was treated as a synonym of the expression "strong-willed people." The will is, par excellence, with a strength of character, his firmness, determination, and perseverance. When they say that the man has a strong character, how would want to underscore his commitment, his strong-willed qualities. In this sense, human nature is best seen in overcoming the difficulties in the fight, that is, in those circumstances where the most evident will of man. But nature is not exhausted by force, it has content, defining how the various settings will operate. On the one hand, the strong-willed actions of folded and in them same is manifested: volitional acts in personal situations relevant to the character of the person, undertaking it as relatively resistant properties; These properties in turn determine human behavior, his strong-willed actions. Strong-willed character differs definitely, constancy, firmness and autonomy in the implementation of the goal. On the other hand, there are cases when human slabovol′nogo called a "spineless". From the point of view of psychology is not quite so weak-willed person, and there are certain personality traits, such as, for example, distrustful, indecision, etc. use the term "characterless" means the unpredictability of human behaviour, indicates a lack of their own direction, the inner rod, which would determine its behavior. His actions caused by external shocks and does not depend on him.
The originality of the nature and features of human feelings. At this point k. d. Ushinskiy: "neither that, nor words, nor thought, nor even our actions do not express so clearly and correct ourselves and our relationship to the world, how to

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