Animal Rescue ... It appears, hairy paw care , stretched in a difficult situation familiar to thirty-eight percent of the inhabitants of our planet. I too was surprised that figure, but that statistic.
Still, let's keep the numbers sociologists. In my opinion, far more interesting, amazing, amazing facts themselves rescue animals of their kind. (We, the people, they also consider a breed of animal.) What is this? Chance, coincidence, game or natural instinct, are not unique to humans?
How else to explain the behavior of the dog, which, at the cost of own life saving a child? Cat, which first saw the venomous snake, saved nothing understanding owners of the bite? Home decorative rabbit, who first sounded the alarm when his owner passed out?
Animal rescuers found worldwide. There are many real-life stories, where the characters speak as kangaroos, monkeys, wild cats, and even calves and sheep.
Scientists explain this by the fact that public life, socialization cause impact on the behavior of animals. Of course, this does not mean there are specially trained four-legged, for example, rescue dogs . It is believed that it is we, the people perceive the action of the animals in an emergency situation as heroism. In fact, our pets... just want to play. Therefore cat rushes to crawling snake, a dog - on a knife wielding man. Very controversial issue. And what of these facts:
Summer 1996. Brookfield Zoo. Chicago. The five-year baby, when his mother was distracted for a moment, climbed over the railing and fell to a six-meter height in the enclosure to the gorillas. It all happened very quickly, a young mother fainted when she saw that her baby close huge ape. Of course, the tragedy was inevitable ... But the eight-year female gorilla Binti Jua prevent it. She first ran to the baby, grabbed it and gave it to the servants zoo.
This stunning picture was taken in China. In the city of Nanjing , the former capital, there was an explosion at a plastic factory. It happened on July 28, 2010. According to media reports 13 people were killed. In such a terrible situation were not the only people ...
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