Friday, 18 February 2011

Rhino horn

Many people know that the horn - the main cause of destruction rhino peopleThat already has many decades of being hunted. Why is this part of the animal is so desirable to poachers that put its owner to the brink of extinction?rhino horn 
To begin with, it is the only equine who has a horn. And it's not bone formation. This is a very tightly fused bristles.
On the miraculous properties of rhino horn is legendary. So far, the drug used in some places of this very rhino horn. This elixir of youth and virility ...rhino horn
So all this is - a myth and nothing more.
in the Middle East, Yemen young people on the day of age presented with a gift - a dagger with a handle made ​​of rhinoceros horn. The tradition is so powerful and ruthless that took the lives of at least eight thousand individuals rhinos.
horn in China is an excellent remedy for various diseases, especially for impotence.  Actually, its structure is similar to the horn, for example, a horse's hoof. Its composition and properties respectively. Naturally, the drugs, medicines, teas and other funds made ​​from the horn of the unfortunate animal, have no use will not.Rhino horn
Rhino horn
At least, this benefit will not exceed the effect of the drug, made ​​from horses' hooves.
remains only naedyatsya that soon these vestiges of the past, pernicious prejudices finally disappear, and people will make enough effort to restore the population and create conditions for the safe life of these amazing animals.Rhino horn
rhinoceros horn is not hunted by poachers, but a natural decoration of the animal, which gave him this wonderful world .

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