In zoos, the world is not often you can find this funny animal, although it is widely distributed, it is easy to catch, and he can easily stand captivity. That's only zoo workers and visitors would have to give gas masks, so "strong spirit" these animals. Therefore, to know them all better in natural conditions and at a distance. 
In fact, many mammals use odorants. But only skunks, representing fauna of America , were able to turn the alarm device in the formidable and effective weapon of self-defense. Two glands located under their tails, discard the jet of liquid with a disgusting, if not, sickening smell that in the air breaks into small droplets. Range "shot" is about 4 meters, "the amount of the store" - 4, and sometimes 5 charges. After this, the glands of this amusing representative wildlife need some time to work out a new batch. But they say that he was not born yet predator, which would be able to continue the attack after the first "volley". 
This wonderful world would have it, the main active component of the "weapon" is a skunk, ethyl mercaptan, butyl mercaptan and other natural compounds that are present in the secretions of many mammals. But he can not add skunk special "charm" and resistance: In case of contact, such as boots, they after four months treatment in a chlorinated solution are still distinctly "smell."
Owning such a powerful tool for self-defense did little animal proud and fearless. Skunk to no passes, no one is running away - it's just not necessary. During Soviet times, there were several failed attempts to domesticate skunks within the individual reserves, but large predators such as bears, they were quickly destroyed.Manteuffel famous zoologist Peter wrote: "In one case, Shepherd grabbed a skunk and crushed it, and then for a long time was unconscious. In another case, a bear paw crushed animal. After he rolled in the grass and roared terribly, because his eyes got a protective fluid, and he briefly lost his sight. " 
Skunks are common in North America and can be found in almost all U.S. states. They feed on insects, frogs, mice, lizards, ruining bird nests, not disdain carrion and that is very strange to predators, like berries and fruits. Much time is spent on research areas and games. Skunk quietly living in densely populated areas.
Skunks kill rodents, dangerous insects, but, just as the Tasmanian devil , are subject to rabies.
Very affectionate, sweet, these cute little animals as pets. In the houses of America skunk scent glands with remote-quite common pet.
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