Saturday, 19 February 2011

Birds Swans.

Beauty, romance, elegance - all birds swans. Gray, white and black - the largest waterfowl to admire a man for many years.
These beauties of the order Anseriformes kind of duck are divided into seven (according to other sources, six) species.
Mute swan .Birds Swans
Bird got its name thanks to a distinctive sound, hiss, which it publishes in a time of danger or annoyance.
Another distinguishing feature - a bright orange-red beak. Wingspan - about two and a half meters.
Is a rare bird in the Red Data Book of Belarus, Bashkortostan, and some Russian regions.
He lives near Swan relatively small bodies of water: lakes, ponds, estuaries, feeding on aquatic vegetation. Our wonderful world made ​​sure that the birds swans could find their own food, and awards from the long neck. Mute swan flex its letter S when moving around the surface of the water - very pretty.Mute Swan
But on land swan looks somewhat awkward. This is because of his short legs.

Whooper Swan .Bird swan
The same majestic bird is quite large - up to 10 pounds, but with a lemon-yellow beak.
During the mating season, utters loud clicks from which it gets its name.
Breeds like mute, near water. Most of the northern borders of forests of Eurasia.
Trumpeter swan.Birds Swans
A resident of the tundra of North America. Very similar to the Whooper, but his beak is completely black.
Rare bird. Their population has slightly more than 5,500 pairs. Approximately the same number live in captivity.
Black Swan.Birds Swans
These beauties have a nearly five-foot growth of the longest necks of their "brothers." Black plumage with white patches, a bright red glowing beak - a rare beauty! Colorful birds live in Australia, including Tasmania . Flights they did not commit.
Bewick's swan.Tundra Swan
It is also called the tundra. Lives exclusively in Russia. Winter flying to Western Europe, from Ireland to Denmark.
The smallest member of the majestic birds. The growth of its slightly more than a meter, and the weight is about 6 lbs. It is easily confused with Whooper (pictured swan in real life it is much smaller). But look closely: the beak bird black predominates, while his fellow dark colored only the tip of the "nose".
Sometimes ornithologists isolated as a separate species, the so-called American tundra swan. The bird is common in inaccessible tundra forests of North America.
Black-necked swan .Bird swan
This representative of the swan is kind of hard to confuse. Neck black, gray beak and red growth on the backdrop of snow-white feathers.
Bird nests in South America, Chile, Paraguay ... Winter flying to Brazil.

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