Saturday, 19 February 2011

African jungle

The heart of the "black continent", African jungle - a mysterious world. Thickets, edge flickering shadows. World ordeals, full of life. Than just stared at it, the more variety you see.Forest jungleAfrican jungle so far - the mysterious, unusual, unexplored places. Heart of Africa is not black, it is green. And this jungle ...
tropical forests of Africa
Above the equator the sun rises, the African jungle awakening. This is a huge green belt stretching from Uganda in the east to Sierra Leone in the west. Its territory to five and a half thousand kilometers. Sdes more light, heat and water than anywhere else in Africa. Ideal conditions for the plants. And they are everywhere. Endless sea of ​​leaves, worshiping the sun, shining with the onset of the African morning.
Tropical forests of AfricaTo the ground through the dense thickets of the sun almost does not reach.
But the bottom of the jungle - a world of guns. Trunks support the roof of the forest. They are its water supply, in which the leaves are pumped minerals and water.
Forest JungleThe branches of some trees covered with thorns. The trunks of other guards army biting ants.Forest Jungle
 forest jungle
But there are trees in the jungle killer, filled with poison. And all this up this wonderful world to protect themselves.
How to survive in the harsh conditions of the jungle? The possibilities are there, but only for those who cope with their booty. It sometimes even the most skilled hunters go hungry.
 African jungle
And at 40 meters above is a completely different world. Here motor life jungle. The leaves absorb the energy of the African sun and turn it into plant food.
 ColobusThe monkeys learned to perfect jump from one tree to another, traveling under the canopy. It is a paradise for colobus monkeys. (Incidentally, Nosach  also lives only in the tropical forests!) They spend days rather champs. But the leaves are not as harmless as they seem. They are protected by a deadly poison, which is a cocktail of thinness, strychnine and cyanide. Surprisingly, the body is able to produce colobus bacteria that neutralize these poisons. Ingested per day is enough venom to kill several times big game.
 African jungleCrowned eagle eats not leaves, and monkeys. No escape from it, even under foliage. A few strokes of powerful two-meter wings, and he loot in its nest.
Tropmcheskie forests of AfricaTropical forests of Africa inhabited by many generations of people. They learned how to earn their living.
forest jungleCanopy is a world of extremes, the world scorching sun, scorching winds, heavy rainfall. Drought followed by rain, the seasons are very different from each other. Palette jungle transformed. Everywhere now dominated by red leaves. But this youngish, and new foliage. In the jungle, spring dress up in autumn colors.
New tender leaves are not yet a poisonous defense. But in order to survive, the trees have leaves on so much, how many can not eat even the hungry monkey.
Canopy - is a storehouse of values. But only for those who can get them.
Most coveted delicacy, which are presented in the spring of the jungle - it's honey. But in order to get him to climb on sorokametrovoy height using the branches of vines, and then also to withstand the onslaught of bees. Spring production of food in the forest - not an easy one, but then there comes an abundance. It's like a sign of courtesy on the part of nature. Before the onset of the rainy season, the forest gives all the best.
African jungleFruit. Continuous temptation. And the birds - as always - first. It's a bird rhinoceros.
African jungleAnd this - an African Grey Parrot.
Figs are fruits all year round, so close to these trees is easier to observe the wildlife.
 Forest giraffeOkapi. Forest giraffe . Dumb we were talking.
For centuries, the wild animals were the force that helped develop Africa and conquer the equator. Now we open up the jungle with the new party.
Tropical forests of AfricaThe climate in Africa is not always so, as it is today. Centuries to replace wet dry cycles to come. forest jungle  is also changing. It grows in wet periods and decreased during drought. Currently, Africa is wet period in its history. The forest has grown strongly. It rains here every day. In some areas, the amount of precipitation for the year sostavlyaet10 meters. Those who live here have to put up with frequent rain.
forest jungleHow many more mysteries conceals this wonderful forest called the African jungle ... 

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