Saturday, 19 February 2011

Oak - Giant

Looking at this picture, do not rush to think that anything extraordinary in that tree there. The fact that the photo was taken at a distance. Otherwise oak - Giant just did not get "Full length" in the lens.Giant Oak
Some time ago, I wanted to talk about Rostov-on-Don . So an article entitled "My City". On the left bank of the Rostov region located Cossack village called Veshenskaya, a small town with a population of less than ten thousand people. However, all of us have seen these places.Remember the Soviet era epic "The Quiet Don"?Based on the novel by Mikhail Sholokhov filmed story of Aksinya, Gregory Melikhovo ... Remember? Soviet writer, who won the Nobel Prize for the life history of the Don Cossacks, was a resident Veshenskaya and his landmark creation born under the crown of oak in question in this article.
Today, the giant oak officially given the status of the All-Russian rarity. Judge for yourself: the first Veshenskayamention of it dating back to the times of Ivan the Terrible! Tree more than four years (think about this figure!). Liver has the crown projection area of which is about five hundred (!) Meters, the trunk of the giant circle - nearly eight meters. And its total volume of more than forty-two cubes (you can build a two-story log house). At a height of 19 meters and a tree trunk splits point upwards by more than 25 meters.
According to legend, the Tatar khan great treasures buried under that oak tree and, using special charms, ordered trees store treasure. How can you not believe in mysticism!
Giant Oak.

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