Saturday, 19 February 2011

Leafy Sea Dragon

Leafy sea dragon today I will talk about the underwater kingdom. Another amazing its inhabitants Leafy sea dragon.The most unusual animalsAt first glance, even strange, that this creature otnositsyane to flora. It is a fish. Marine fish. Here, truly - a surprising number.pegasus sealeafy sea dragon lives in Australian waters, shallow water, preferring vodichku moderate temperature. Strange being covered almost translucent tentacles, very reminiscent of the leaves of seaweed. These fins are used for masking, and motion do not participate, so the sea monster slowly moves (about 100 meters) per hour.Despite its small size - from 15 to 40 cm, appetite amazing fish does not suffer. Eats small shrimps to 3000 a day (and this is with no teeth!).
Marine realmVery interesting touching pregnant fish. Females are capable of putting more than a ruby-colored eggs that are fertilized and "hide" under the tail of the future papashiPary closer to each other and perform the "dance of love", changing its color to a bright. And so every day. But after 4-8 weeks are born small drakosha as two peas similar to their ancestors.Unusual fishMarine Pegasus

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