Monday, 21 February 2011

Cat and baby

Can I bring a cat , if a family has a child ? Answers to this question may be different. In any case, it is necessary once again very well weigh his decision purchase the furry friend. Judge for yourself.Cat and baby
It would be naive to think that pussy in the house - another toy, nothing more. No, she needs attention and care. To care for a cat, watch out for her health, do not forget to feed, play and award a warm word. Otherwise the animal will inevitably arise jealousy to your kid, you are certainly emphasized. A cat's jealousy - terrible force.
The little man is very curious: he knows the world. Of course, he will want to pull Murka, grab it by the tail. Usually the cat somehow inexplicably feels silly in front of her, and allows himself to this treatment, which is hardly a friend. However, such communication might end in tears ...
In addition, inappropriate care, the animal may be a vector of infection. Monitor the health of cats and to comply with all rules of hygiene is necessary to avoid problems related to the well-being of the child.
Not all that bad, if you are like pets, treat them like family, animals become close friends to your baby. They can be for him a kind of textbook. The child learns to understand the world around us, living beings. In addition, finding little friend, the children learn to be otvetstvennymi.Skoree of cat and child love each other, become friends, relatives beings will gain full understanding, if the adults that will help.

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