At the end of the last century, American scientists, breeders decided to create something amazing, because in the eighties there was Savannah cat - the cheetah .
It combines the elegance of a wild animal, exotic color leopard and good-natured, easy-going nature of the soft home Murka. Amazing? Of course! No wonder the savannah was in demand among pet lovers, for those who could afford the pleasure. The price of such a pussy does not yield a good value car!
TICA International Cat Association officially recognized the breed in 2001.
In the vastness of Africa, home to wild cat - serval . Savannah, leopard cat, was derived by mating the African resident of Bengal or Siamese purebred or home Murka. (About breeds of cats we talked in the article " The aristocrats and plebeians "). Owners savannah talk about its extraordinary development, the present, canine loyalty.
The largest cat in the world weigh okolo15 kg. And its height at the withers is 45-60 inches. Height, these cats are not inferior dog of medium size. Inherited from serval savannahs got very long legs. Savannah jump higher and farther than other breeds of cats: pussy can jump from place HA3 meters.
Black tear stains that come from the corners of his eyes, like a serval - another sign of the breed. And - big rounded ears with wide dark stripes. Originally from the wild savannah can make strange sounds. They know how to growl, hiss like snakes. So what, you say, all the cats hiss to express discontent. But Savannah is the hiss is more serious meaning. It simulates a snake hissing (genetic memory) in a time of danger.
This is a healthy mix of wild and domestic cats .
They rarely get sick because the savannah - the result of interbreeding with wild cats. But do not forget about their uncommon strength, the incredible ingenuity. So it is easy for a cat to care for. But it is two to three times more than usual. Requires a lot of space. Really loves the water, loves to play with it - is also a genetic memory, inherited from servals living near the water.
Want a cat? Get ready to shell out at least $ 20 000. Why? Because savannah is very difficult to breed, it is the rare breed of cats in the world. Price depends on the percentage of savannah serval blood.
Uniqueness, rarity, and most importantly the high cost of the savannah breed of scam. In 2006, five years after the official recognition of the breed savannah, the world learned about another event: the result of long work was derived entirely new breed of cat. She has such a unique character, it sounds incredible. This was stated by the biotechnology company Lifestyle Pets. The next day, the miracle of the breed cat, named after the goddess Asherah, already knew the whole world. Only now it was all a fiction, a fraud. The organizer of this fraud, Simon Brody, submitted photographs Asher, where the real "author" savanna recognized his pitomitsy. DNA analysis was performed, which showed that Asher is a fiction.
I read that Simon Brody was wanted. Until now, however, many believe that it is Asher - the most expensive cat in the world, on some sites Asher and savanna are represented as two different breeds of cats, intermediaries, offering to buy them through a non-existent breed, show that Simon Brodie was wrongly accused ...
And clever, playful, resourceful, smart, affectionate Savannah , cat cheetah lives and not aware of the human passions, which was the cause of her appearance ...
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