On subjects related to Asian culture, it is often depicted bizarre creature - golden monkey with a blue face. Sharp eyes, sense of humor, even sarcasm, sobriety of mind, the ability to adapt to the situation - such traits, since ancient times, the Chinese have seen in the monkey.There is a legend that, Slavic girl Roksolana, fell into slavery in Turkey. And was able to win the heart, to become his beloved wife of Sultan Suleiman I the Magnificent, thanks to his mind,a cheerful temperament ... About this young lady with pert upturned nose remembered a hundred and fifty years ago, a French priest Armand David, who came to China as a missionary. Looking around the neighborhood, he found a strange beast, very similar to the creature that is represented on the ancient Chinese vases.extraordinary journey has led to the fact that Europe learned of the existence of strange animals by name Rhinopithecus roxellanae. Rinopetikus - means "big-nosed monkey" (in my opinion, this title would be more suitable to another amazing view of primates - remember how good handsome Nosach !) Roksolana - a reminder of the snub-nosed Ukrainian "Turk." So much for this being Armand David was an amazing, unusual, beautiful
Golden snub-nosed monkey lives in the mountains of Yunnan and Sichuan, in the summer rises to a height of more than a thousand meters in coniferous forests, where the temperature is below zero mark . And it is amazing to heat-loving primates. For example, a genus of monkeys as Saks feels comfortable only in the dry forests of northern South America, and the imperial tamarin - Brazil, the Amazon. Rinopetikus same for their resistance to the harsh climate even called "snow monkey". Animals live mostly in trees in small families, down to the groundonly to clarify the relationship with the neighbors. They are small - 50-70 cm, tail primates - the same length, and weigh less than 20 kilograms. Here is a miracle of nature - snub-nosed golden monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellanae) - inhabits the fauna of China .
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