Pygmy marmoset - one of the most amazing species
primates. Monkey height not exceeding six inches with clever eyes inhabit the Amazon basin,

in Bolivia, Colombia, and of course, Brazil.

On the tiny primates we have already spoken. But even 250 grams Emperor tamarin surpassed our today's hero with its size.

A very active animal moves on all fours, lives in trees and perfectly jumps.

dwarf monkey tree sap, podgryzaya very sharp teeth tree bark. Spiders and other small insects, wild fruits - the usual menu for the tamarins.
Swimming animals that live near bodies of water, of course, know how, but still the best swimmer in primates is Nosach .

Monkey ancestral form groups consisting of several generations, determine (tag) the territory, carefully tended each other. Scrubbing hair plays a very important role in their relationship. Aliens ruthlessly expelled from their territory, accompanying their flight loud cries. If the "enemy" is not giving up - will fight!

Distinguish up to 10 sounds used by animals. "Talking" they chirp, chirp, at danger - squeal.

The maximum life span of the 100-150-gram creatures - 11 years. In two years, they are already considered mature. After five months of pregnancy, females tend to this wonderful world will see two toddlers. And my father and other members of the community together raising babies, carrying them on the back, busy with them, and to bring the milk feeding mother.

Because pygmy marmoset unpretentious in food and choice of living space,
they occur frequently. Species is not threatened.

Pet lovers happy monkeys choose as friends. Crumbs with huge eyes are clever in large bird cages, feeding worms, crickets, spiders, live in special houses ... Only now, remember that this pleasure will cost caring host amateur exotics under 100 000.
Price dwarf marmoset , as I know ranges from 65 to 75 thousand rubles.Plus equipment house for your pet.

Here's a charming crumb - a creature called
a dwarf marmoset .
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