Thursday, 20 September 2012

Amazing View

Today, the purpose of our trip - 
wonderful land where the true miracle of nature - Fly Geyser .Fly Geyser
In the north-west of the U.S. state of Nevada Black Rock desert located, saline (soil saturated with readily soluble salts), which stretches more than 100 kilometers.Fly Geyser
Eighteen thousand years ago this place was a lake Laontan a maximum depth of 150 m, the bottom of which was present and the Black Rock Desert . Today it is a local center of production of gypsum. Often on this amazing land and volcanic formations.Fly Geyser
On the territory of the desert at an altitude of more than a thousand feet above sea level, was once the ranch under the name «FLY». Enough to irrigate dry land (rain fall in this place often, the number is about 250-300 mm per year) will need a well. Hole cut through, it was in 1916. And after 50 years out of it came the boiling water, rich in minerals.Fly Geyser
Fly Geyser - a wonderful place on earth with a bizarre landscape, reminiscent of travertine terraces . Calcium carbonate is coming to the surface with the water settles and creates such fantastic shape.Fly Geyser
And thanks to the algae Fly Geyser is unrealistic, some unearthly color.Fly Geyser
It is a natural wonder for half a century has increased by nearly two meters, bagodarya three jets of water, which they beat out of him to this day, continues to develop, threatening to turn into a giant geyser .Fly Geyser
This fantastic attraction today is privately owned and is surrounded by fencing. Tourists who want to admire the Fly Geyser , you must agree with the intentions of the owner who owns this wonderful land .

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