Thursday, 20 September 2012

 In Tanzania, home to a cat,  African serval , which is so elusive that it is very rarely managed to capture.serval
NgorongoroNgorongoro Crater - like East Africa in miniature with its waters, savannahs, spread out in a large basin.
servalHere's the live servals. Brave predatory cats are not without charm. Animals up to 40-65 cm blades weigh up to 18 kg. In a small, miniature head "are" big ears, the largest of felines. And long legs serval. African serval in color resembles the leopard (or cheetah).
servalSettle animals near the water: they know how and love to swim. They feed primarily on rodents, lizards. Large ears and excellent hearing can detect the slightest rustle. Servals - great jumpers, they are able to catch (or knock down) a small bird in flight.
Servals_ThoiryAfter the birth of kittens male usually leaves his family. To feed their young, the female herself is forced to search for food. But to leave the kittens - so put them at risk: They are completely exposed. However, it has no alternative. Herbal mouse in their network of tunnels - game is definitely not easy. But sharp ear can detect serval rodents even in underground shelters. He knocks a paw on the ground, hoping to drive the mouse outside.
servalThe transition between savanna and forest attracts a wide variety of animals. Here and  majestic giraffes , and small antelope, buffalo and leopard ... and living African legend, white lion , too, could live here ...
servalEdge of the forest - the richest hunting grounds serval. However, the concentration of all kinds of living creatures are here attracts predators and scavengers. But in fairness it must be said that the wild cat - a very successful hunter.
servalServals are popular and in our homes. His birthplace, East and West Africa, as well as Algeria and Morocco. Life expectancy cats - 15-20 years.
African servalPet Servals  - animals unpretentious. Food for them to buy, even in ordinary supermarkets. Their menu - raw meat, chicken, beef ... But it's better to have the owners of cats was a vacation home or a spacious apartment, because these pets on-love to frolic. Now this is the only serval cost 6-8 thousand rubles a month.
African servalAfrican Servals - the only wild cats, which can be tamed. They say some business to business meetings take their Serval. Perhaps hoping to give a special atmosphere of the negotiations.
home servalEven in ancient times, the Egyptians kept them alive as totems. And to protect stocks of food in the granaries of the mice.
Domestic catPrice serval (a kitten) is 15 thousand dollars. However, much more is  savannah, Hybrid serval and domestic cat.
Owners say the  African serval - it's insanely beautiful cat with character dog.

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