Fox - without doubt one of the most amazing animals in our world. How much of this fiery redhead beauty penned fables and stories! It's a character many hunting stories, tall tales and fables. Why do we have such a persistent sympathy for this beast? After fox animal thievish and delivers a lot of trouble residents of nearby villages. Nearly did not finish, and there's already on a farm, duck, chicken, and then, okay gander.
And all because the fox - the animal is not only beautiful, but also cunning and savvy.
's very interesting to watch the hunting of this animal. Movement Patrikeevna very graceful.
Rod has 11 species of foxes. It is hard to say where this does not dwell graceful predator. Central Russia, taiga, tundra, deserts, mountains - it's her home.
Color and size of the large variability in different foxes. Only in the territory of our country are 15 subspecies of this animal. North fox becomes bigger and brighter than her hair. To the south - respectively - smaller and color tusknee. Today we will talk about the most common form, called Fox ordinary, or red (vulpes vulpes). The body length is such a beauty to 90 cm, and the tail - to 60. In this case weighs a little Red - 6 to 10 kg. Vixen - a carnivorous animal, and therefore destroy the bird's nest, enjoy the newly hatched chicks - the usual, ordinary episode of her life. And there's nothing you can do. Like any predator, it does not know the objects of pity for his hunt. movements, some habits are similar to fox cat : small, flexible. For example, Fox loves to play with the mouse, gently slapping and pushing the victim. She is able to jump like a cat for soaring bird, can whirl up a fluttering butterfly. Nevertheless Chestnut belongs to the family canine. You and I have already spoken of the red wolf , it's hard not to notice the similarities of this rare beast with Ginger. Fox - not only dobychlivy hunter, but also caring. As any gambler hunter, it can produce more than eat. Leftovers she leaves in sight, and buried in the ground, moss or snow, dense surface stamping foot or nose: a stock for a rainy day. Fox remembers where their pantries and returned to them in the days when the hunt is not successful. During Fox in nature should carefully eyes feathered predators and they suddenly something perepadet with fox table ... Photographing wild animals in nature is extremely difficult: not force them to pose. By fox den podkradeshsya not noticed ... If he does not see, so hear. fox - an animal is an omnivore. Here, birds, animals, and insects, and amphibians, and fish. All she had the strength to catch, comes into play. In addition, its menu includes plants, dozens of species. Throughout the main diet of its food consists of small rodents, mainly mice, voles. I must say that on the levels in a given area depends on the population of foxes. When applying considerable harm Hunting, the predator benefits agriculture: it kills rodents. Different cultures redhead beauty - a symbol of cunning and wisdom, possessing secret knowledge and even magic. In Mesopotamia, it was thought that the fox - an animal sacred.
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