1. be yourself
We all are beautiful, and the natural beauty of each woman have. It is important to feel comfortable and accept yourself as you are. If you live in harmony with yourself, you will be confident and happy in every situation, and people will like you. Be true to yourself and believe in yourself! Work on their individuality, and this will increase your natural attractiveness.
2. eat intelligently
Your skin depends on how you eat. "Feed" your skin all the beneficial nutrients that it needs to radiate health and filled with vitality. Healthy skin color is very beautiful. Simply redefining your diet you would influence greatly on the condition of your skin, hair and nails. You will add shine to your eyes, and you will feel much better, because you feel a surge of energy. And because the health of the body is very important for your natural beauty!
3. regularly engage in physical exercises
Even a simple half-hour walk at least three times a week enough to keep on our toes all the muscles in your body. Teaching exercises will tighten up the body, make it more flexible. What could be more beautiful than the slim, lithe female body? In addition, the exercises will improve your blood circulation that will give your skin a healthy, radiant color. And yet, a healthy diet combined with physical exercise will have a great influence on the mechanisms that control the aging process of your body. The aging of the body and especially the aging of the skin is noticeably slowed down. So you can stay pretty much longer.
4. Carefully look after your hair
The hair should be a subject of your pride! Proper care will make them soft, supple and shiny; but their look can do wonders to improve your self-esteem.
5. monitor your posture
A simple change of body position can instantly improve your appearance, and above all else, and will remove the pain in the neck and back. It is quite a heavy part of the body, and unless you keep your back straight and your head is held high, you increase the tension in neck, shoulders and back. And looks much older man slouching their years!
6. change for the better its gait
Don't forget about grace and plasticity; then, as you're moving, eloquently spoke about how you perceive yourself. Listen to our advice: Add a little sensuality in your gait. Remember, as in "Official novel" taught to walk her charming Prokof′evnu Lyudmila Secretary? But Verochka law: a woman who takes control of gait "from the hip" and "PLASTY of the Panthers", any man will seem incredibly beautiful; "men do not pass such a woman!"Want you to learn this gait? Then work out. Place your hands on your hips and let the hips begin to move. It must be diagonal, with a slight bend of the trunk while walking. When forward right thigh, left shoulder should turn slightly forward, as though toward the thigh; and when you step your left foot forward will turn around the right shoulder. You should feel a slight twist in the waist. Try to move smoothly and a little sensual, this plastic will enhance your natural beauty.
7. If you smoke, stop!
Smoking not only harms health, it also greatly accelerates skin aging, contributes to premature fading of the natural beauty of women.
8. pay special attention to skin care
If you have dry, because this type of leather is often prone to early wrinkles and flabbiness. Turn on a humidifier in the room where you see yourself using most often, use moisturizing skin care, if necessary, refer to the beautician or dermatologist.
9. say "no" to Tan and solarium
The excessive influence of sunlight on the skin causes an effect called photoaging is the small wrinkles and uneven skin tone. Avoid sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the Sun's rays affect the skin particularly hard. If you must go out, wear a protective hat, shirt or blouse with long sleeves, sunglasses. Use Sun-protection cosmetics with SPF15 and above.
10. treat yourself!
Take time for yourself to do something that will give you pleasure. This is especially important if you are permanently employed and lead a busy lifestyle. Then you simply have to select a day to rest and relax. Visit the Spa, pool, sit in a cafe with a friend, listen to the music by candlelight – in short, do something that will allow you to take time out and enjoy the serenity and bliss. Forget about your problems and relax as your natural beauty pales if you are overworked!
And most importantly, what I would like to say: never mind that no one is perfect! Do not show yourself excessively high demands and not the SRA
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