Monday, 1 October 2012

How to keep the natural beauty in adulthood

Natural beauty should not fade with age. A gorgeous leathers and attractive body is still real, even for those women who are over the age of 50 years; just follow the tips that we now describe.

The main problem lies in the fact that as we age, our body slows down the production of collagen, which supports the skin and makes it supple. Therefore, emphasis should be given to prevent sagging of the skin. How to make nature a helping hand?
               Stimulate production of natural collagen

1. taking vitamins. Vitamin c with vitamin e helps the body produce collagen. Since the collagen is produced by the body during the first two hours of sleep, it makes sense to take these vitamins for an hour before you go to sleep. In General, the daily dose of vitamin c needed to significantly improve to get a good result – in two or three times.
2. Thorough skin care. You must remember that after menopause, your skin needs the use of the funds designed to combat the effects of hormonal changes in the body. You should acquire the means to care for mature skin; These tools contain the necessary components to preserve and revitalize collagen and elastin in the skin, thereby improving its elasticity and density, as well as provide essential nutrients to the skin cells.
Moisturize your skin
Drink as much pure water! For sure you have heard this before already thousand times, but it's really really need to your skin. Imagine a balloon filled with water instead of air. When it is full, its surface tacky and taut, and if the ball gently push it backwards and easily smooths out the Dent. And if the release of him a little bit of water? The surface is not so dense; the ball becomes soft, and on its surface there are wrinkles and dents. The bigger issue of water, the more flabby and wrinkled becomes its surface, and it has Springs under your finger when pressing.

And with your body is the same as with the ball when the body comes under water. This example will give you an idea of how important the role of water in maintaining the elasticity of the skin and to maintain your natural beauty.
Do exercises for the muscles of the face
It is very important in adulthood to maintain a tone not only the muscles of the entire body, but also the muscles of the face. Thanks to the elasticity of the muscles are distinct contours the facial oval. And have lost muscle tone contribute to nasolabial folds and dropping the skin on the cheeks and Chin. Facial sputter, giving your age, and sometimes adding it.

The person always gets old sooner than starts the aging body. Facial muscles quickly lose tone in response to stress, tension and excitement. Easy to fall into the habit of pucker, frown, bring together the eyebrows, and this leads to the appearance of wrinkles, which every year will become more visible. Therefore, it is very important to learn to relax the muscles of the face:

Open your mouth as wide as you can, rounding the lips. You should feel that your cheeks, Chin, and lips naprâglis′ with maximum force. After this, close your mouth and relax. Repeat several times. Such exercise considerably relax your facial muscles, improve blood circulation, relieve tension and stress.
Take a deep breath, and exhale widely open mouth and stick out your tongue as far as possible. Wide open eyes and look up. Unwind. This exercise relieves tension from the muscles of the face and neck, improves blood circulation and stimulates the eye.
Poŝipajte firmly in their cheeks. This will improve the blood circulation.

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