Tuesday, 2 October 2012



According to the views of tantra, the entire universe consists of undeveloped and developed parts. Neproâvlennaâ part of the universe – it is the ocean of eternal infinite Higher divine consciousness known as Shiva. That part of the universe – from galaxies to atoms is established and maintained by the eternal infinite divine power, or force, called Shakti. Shiva is the static aspect of God, his consciousness, and Shakti is the dynamic aspect of his creative, Executive power. "Shiva has the force build only in conjunction with Shakti (' Anandalahari"). Moreover, the "Shiva without Shakti is becoming like a corpse" ("Devi bhagavata purana"). Shiva is in continuous connection with a Shakti. "Everywhere is the divine Form, Shiva-Shakti".


According to tantra, that part of the universe, or Prakriti (nature), created by force of Shakti, the three gunas, i.e., the main character, or master properties. They are as follows:

sattva is the principle of light, harmony and balance;
rajas-activity principle, mobility and restlessness;
Tamas – the principle of inertia, darkness and counter.
Human consciousness also has the three gunas; then which one dominates, defines his existence, behavior, and relationships with the outside world.

Sattva is the proper state of consciousness, manifesting itself as a clear perception and wisdom. People appreciate the truth of sattva have high creative potential and intelligence, are in a State of harmony with oneself, others and nature.

Those in whom the most powerful rajas, passionate and venturesome, are actively seeking to acquire power and authority, they love to run, value the prestige and authority; This is the "warriors" in the broadest sense of the word.

People in which prevails the Tamas, inert, they are trapped in fear, ignorance, servility and the forces of destruction. Each of the three gunas is required, but in its place. When their wrong mixing or changing places is something that subjectively perceived as pollution or disharmony. Examples include ordinary dirt that is a mixture of Earth and water, each of which individually is not perceived as something dirty.

In tantra the human cleansing is not throwing away "mud" and restore the proper order of Gong, the separation (i.e. separation) from chaos. That within itself man felt like "dirt", "Vice" and "evil" becomes for him a valuable source from which the practitioner extracts the building material for the restoration of its harmony and purity. But tantra is not limited to, conducting a practitioner even higher – to the divine, which is on the other side of the three gunas.


The three gunas are the birth of five elements, or elements. Of the sattva of clarity, there is a stream, i.e., space. Of the rajas of activity, there is fire. From Tamas consisting of inertia, there is land. Between radžasom and by a "layer", combining both the mobility and the inertia of the water. But between the sattva and radžasom is thin, but the movable element is air.

These mahabhuty (great elementary elements, or entity) to symbolize the five levels of density of any substance in the universe: matter, energy and consciousness. For example for a matter they are: solid (Earth), liquid (water), gas (air element), radiant (fire element) and Ethereal (a space). Since all created creative divine power of Shakti and consists of her, all that exists is in its various forms; the five elements are net modifications of Shakti. In the mind of man, his emotions and the body also displayed these five elements.


The Mystics of all time about equally seen majestic picture of how works, lives and evolving Universe. According to their findings, the universe is multi-dimensional. In addition to all the familiar material world, there are many other worlds, unlike this. They are called the spatial mernostâmi, spaces or plans. Spatial dimensions vary according to the degree of its "density". So, there are more "tight" worlds, and there are more "thin".

Worlds exist within the same volume and nested within each other. The various plans are usually weakly interact. Most "dense" is the material plane, the most "thin" is a spatial dimension, also called the divine plan.

Each spatial dimension is filled, "populated by" so-called energies (not to be confused with the meaning of the word "energy" in Physics), belonging to the plan of the universe. Energy is constantly moving, interact and mutate. Everything that happens in the many worlds, including our own, is caused by the movements of these energies.

Consciousness is also a special kind of energy. The Supreme, divine, the plan is filled with infinite consciousness, which is called the divine consciousness of the universe. The universe can be compared to a man. The soul of the universe is a Bo
5 the BODY, energy, consciousness

According to tantra, the person has consciousness, energy and body. The body is the most dense, "material" part. The body itself can exist only as a corpse. Live it makes energy, circulating in special ènergostrukturah, which are called chakras and NADIS.

Nadi (the letters. "threads") are the channels through which the body is moving energy.

Nadi converge and intersect with the seven chakras (letters. "wheels" or "whirlwinds") along the axis of the body, around the spine. Chakra – this "capacity", in which the energy is accumulated, converted and stored. Energy, chakras and NADIS are within the body, but in the other (more thin) spatial dimensions. There are thousands of Nadi (sometimes referred to as the exact number – from 72.000 to 300.000), departing from the sushumna central channel, located inside the spine. (Replace everywhere the word "energy" term "Prana", as is common in the West, is wrong, because actually the Prana-the only one of fifteen species of energy.)

Chakras and Nadi by special practices help to awaken higher spiritual abilities.

The lowest chakra is muladhara – located at the base of the chassis. It is the Kundalini energy, providing the potential to achieve higher levels of consciousness and merging with God. Dormant in mooladhara is the instinctive human nature, as the passions and inertia, but being awake – its spiritual potential and a rock-solid foundation.

Svadhistana is located above muladhara, in the area of the lower abdomen. In the normal state, this chakra is the sexual Center, Center of the subconscious, the repository of all the experiences and aspirations. The awakening of this chakra is connected with the transformation of all the suppressed and forgotten, with the transformation of sexual energy.

At the level of the upper abdomen is manipura, represents the will and action. In addition, it is also responsible for the production of negative emotions like anger. Her awakening gives a permanent foundation for the Kundalini (which was previously the mooladhara) and strengthens spiritual warrior in spiritual practice.

Anahata is located at the level of the heart and the chest and is associated with love and compassion, creative power and ability to overcome their destiny.

Višuddha is located in the area of the throat and is the Centre of distinction, orientation in life situations and acceptance of life in all its manifestations.

Ajna is located at the level of the mid-brow and related to consciousness, in particular intelligence and awareness.

Sahasrara is the top head and is the Crown of ascending consciousness, transition to beyond.

The awakened Kundalini, which is difficult to manage, is identified with the goddess Kali, prone to breakage. When the Kundalini becomes manageable and brings peace and bliss, she turns into a beautiful goddess, Durga. At different levels of the awakened Kundalini shows itself as the creative energy, and in line with the level of its identified with Lakshmi, Saraswati, Parvati and other manifestations of Shakti. When the Kundalini reaches the Sahasrara, is identified with majthunoj (connection) Shiva (consciousness) and Parvati is Shakti (Kundalini), revealing the highest level in the person of the divine consciousness.

6 religion and ESOTERICS

The limited intelligence on the surface it seems that religions differ one from another – each have their own gods, sacred books, prayers, rituals, sacred sites and temples, as well as numerous rules by which believers should live. That one's religion is recognized as a virtue, in another can be considered a sin. For example, the killing of cows to Hindus more grievous sin than murder of the common man, while in some other religions for the holidays decided to cut the cows. The synagogue and the mosque do not include bareheaded and in an Orthodox Church men cannot be in the headdress. Jews were not allowed to mention the name of the Lord in vain, while Hindus believe: the more often pronounce the names of gods, the better. For a Muslim to drink wine is a sin, and Christians Holy Communion wine in the temples. Individual differences between some religions might seem antithetical, and hundreds of examples. What is common in all religions? To answer this question it is necessary to see how "arranged" for each one of them. Any religion has a

a) cult and
b) particular worldview.

Cult or the cult practices, involves concrete actions of the believer (such as prayer or visiting the Temple). Worldview, or vision, includes a picture of the world and man. The most important thing in a religious world view is a view of the supernatural, the intangible world.

Indeed, of every religion to remove something that distinguishes it from others is the essence of the "pith", almost the same in all religions. This essence says that the universe is more complex than it seems at first glance: in addition to the outside world, familiar to all, there is another, invisible world

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