Lebedinaya vernost
She just as easily could be called pigeon, quail, Eagle, Falcon, and even ... pingvin′ej. The Penguins are life-long pairs. Create a family once and for all, though a marriage of convenience. There, in Antarctica, as in humans. Only the most coveted Bachelor is not someone who has more money, and the one who more stones gathered in the Hill. The height of these hills of pingvinihi males and distinguish. And so they all look the same. All in white shirts and black jackets. And the girls chose a rather strict rules. Naive chasing Penguin if you mniš′ yourself a lovely easy butterfly.
Tortoise fights
Mouse Squeak
Romances his girls devote and your mouse. These are trills on the laws of harmony: there are verses and chorus, complex musical phrases. Sorry, we cannot appreciate the mouse Belcanto: concerts given in the ultrasonic range. Loving strekočut, madagaskarskie cockroaches crickets sizzle, seahorses are 400 songs in a row and amorous Arias of whales heard for hundreds of miles and lasts more than 8:0 pm.
Flea market
In nature who enjoy love fully. Their Totem is a flea! Rides yourself from one female to another, shaking the man's dignity, and it is the male fleas in a quarter of the body length. With such data in one place without you. And there are women-grasshoppers, which does not sleep twice with same Knight. They manage to get in one night on the hearth (or is it all the crickets there all going?) a few partners. A former mark to not confounded underfoot. Still more nothing shines! Let thank you will say that the head is bitten off.
She just as easily could be called pigeon, quail, Eagle, Falcon, and even ... pingvin′ej. The Penguins are life-long pairs. Create a family once and for all, though a marriage of convenience. There, in Antarctica, as in humans. Only the most coveted Bachelor is not someone who has more money, and the one who more stones gathered in the Hill. The height of these hills of pingvinihi males and distinguish. And so they all look the same. All in white shirts and black jackets. And the girls chose a rather strict rules. Naive chasing Penguin if you mniš′ yourself a lovely easy butterfly.
Tortoise fights
Iguana males fighting over the beautiful ladies on knightly tournaments. Monitor lizards are competitors in a dogfight. And armored turtle fight for his love of carapace armour is just like Teutons on the ice of Lake Peipus. In the mating season from their screens in the desert you can oglohnut′! It's very romantic. Just be aware that these cold-blooded reptiles themselves battle draws more than sex. Ready to endure, believe and wait? Well then prikin′sâ bug and not otpolzaj.
Cock feathers
Roosters, pheasants and peacocks to attract hens, partridges and pavoček that unfold tails with luxurious feathers. Human males are roughly the same: photographed against the backdrop of the "Majbahov" and raise the sleeves to show off "Roleksom" ... If your "friend" of those, and you strongly want to associate with them, behave like a chicken – and you will be happy. Okruglâj eyes. Admire his gadgets. Bay wings. Kudahtaj. Nesi eggs. The backwaters of children. And prepare for the fact that you have to endure his many female fans. Just don't even think jealous: before strangers your chosen one dissolves the tail not for sex, but by natural tokmo vanity.
Mouse Squeak
Romances his girls devote and your mouse. These are trills on the laws of harmony: there are verses and chorus, complex musical phrases. Sorry, we cannot appreciate the mouse Belcanto: concerts given in the ultrasonic range. Loving strekočut, madagaskarskie cockroaches crickets sizzle, seahorses are 400 songs in a row and amorous Arias of whales heard for hundreds of miles and lasts more than 8:0 pm.
Flea market
In nature who enjoy love fully. Their Totem is a flea! Rides yourself from one female to another, shaking the man's dignity, and it is the male fleas in a quarter of the body length. With such data in one place without you. And there are women-grasshoppers, which does not sleep twice with same Knight. They manage to get in one night on the hearth (or is it all the crickets there all going?) a few partners. A former mark to not confounded underfoot. Still more nothing shines! Let thank you will say that the head is bitten off.
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