Is that Maine Coons are the largest domestic cats. Like it or not, time will tell. It is known only that the weight of the adult cats mejnkun is in the range of 6 to 12 kg-with copies of more than 10 kg, alas, are rare. Maine Coon cat, as the person of the female sex, weighs less, approximately from 4 to 8 kg. It is important to understand that the cat and Maine Coon & cat mejnkun "take" no weight. Weight is a secondary, in the first place-the appearance of the animal.
What is "touches" a Maine Coon? The mejnkuna is heavily muscled and powerful backbone. The Maine Coon is a massive skull and broad scruff. Mejnkuna have gorgeous "weather resistant" hair shorter at the shoulders and extends to the stomach and "pants", as well as a long, flowing hair tail. All this and more makes a spectacular appearance extremely powerful and strong animal. The Maine Coons, despite such impressive sizes, stacked in proportion to and look quite harmoniously and even gracefully. In any exhibition Maine Coons always attract attention. Pass by without stopping and admiring these giants-impossible-whether it be a cat or a Maine Coon cat is a Maine Coon.
The nature of Maine Coons are gentle, tender. Naturally the Maine Coon is not observed any aggression to any animals, nor to the people, including small children. Mejnkun will play with the child, delivering fun and him and yourself. Cats Maine Coons are quite adequate and there is no need to separate them from their kittens Maine Coon-no harm does not cause nor remain aloof from the process of upbringing of the younger generation. They say, however, that mejnkunov is not completely lost hunting instincts, and that rodents are not dead (we personally this is not checked, but it is believe by watching the passion Maine Coons play). The Maine Coon is your companion, a friend, a "seasoned" companion and nurse your baby.
The natural features of the Maine Coon can be attributed to good luck, nezlopamâtnost′, loyalty and devotion to his master and the House where he lives. Mejnkuny curious, not only in children, but adults may retain interest in life. A very important point is slow and long maturation of the Maine Coon. Sometimes it takes from 3 to 5 years-all the while Maine Coons are growing and developing. The amazing feature of the Maine Coon is his voice. Still, a barely audible and every animal is unique, not like the other!
Maine Coon breed standard describes the requirements for the appearance of the mejnkuna in particular felinological systems. Standard Maine Coon includes description of the appearance of mejnkuna and the list of disadvantages of Maine Coon (including disqualifying, i.e. prohibit title), breed characteristics and nature of the Maine Coon and the scale, defining the significance of each Stati mejnkuna (head, tail, body, hair, appearance, etc.). On the other hand, each breeder has their own idea about how in his view should look like this "perfect", in his view, the Maine Coon.
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