Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Moments of happiness-Rainbow

I saw yesterday a rainbow ...Rainbow.the moment of happiness and joy, I know of no one who would not be stopped or not smiled, looking at this miracle. But have you ever wondered why nature gives us such an unusual and wonderful phenomenon? It seems to me that we at least for a moment digress from his hectic life of narcissism and constant pursuit, and wait for a couple of minutes just cut out and enjoyed the highest light.

I began to think about happiness, what it is.happiness ... a relative concept, like love, like the more abstract sense. I realized that for me there is no happiness in material terms, no, of course I like all happy new things, buying, event etc, but true happiness, Bliss is much deeper, something internal, a condition where your heart is, when every cell of your beings filled with dimensionless joy, tears of gratitude filled his eyes just for the fact that I live, breathe and have the opportunity to experience the most is HAPPINESS.

How to calculate a formula for happiness, who – anyone know? the answer is no.but I'll try.Here remember myself as a child. After all, when we were young, we were literally everything, and no matter that the man in front of us, it is a profession, which has achieved in life and dressed, we looked inside, in his eyes, we trust the only mirrors showers, intuitive feeling to play with a new friend or not. Remember how sincerely we rejoiced when learned to pronounce the letter "r", both loved animals, both asked thousands of questions parents — "what is this, and it's like?". Think is important is that the child around, every leaf, every tree, stair, Ant, sand castles, splashing puddles.and now? A lot of us looks at his feet and sees the ants? No, because we, the adults, the case is more important: make money on the new car, build House career, give birth to children, then to realize their dreams. It's great, I'm not saying it's bad. There are bad and good, each has its own Prism. But this is the world around us, and not noticing it – so just pereest′ live, breathe, stop finding here and now. And I want to live. Live every second, every day, to feel each event, each person. It seems to me that all there were periods in life when things are bad, when you don't know what to do, but the main thing to always remember is that after each rain Rainbow appears. Rain is not bad, it's just the beginning, perhaps, new opportunity, new life. And today I saw a rainbow.

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