Wednesday, 10 October 2012

The secrets of happiness in marriage

Marital happiness is real? Or is it just a beautiful stories in books. People ask such questions, or can't find your soul mate or disappointed in marriage. They say that all families who are happy in marriage, each other. Perhaps it is true, as the foundation of the happiness of each family are common properties. But what is still secret? Watching the couples who were living together for more than a year, and lived happily, and not on the verge of divorce-notice the similarity between the spouses. This is the same even when trying to understand who the parent is like a child. But in most cases it is similar to both parents of these families. After many years of living together, the couple would hold a thumbprint, which makes them similar to each other in the behaviour, gestures, and manner of conversation. This regularity is not one or two successful married families – such families in our time quite a lot.

If the two young men yearn to be together as much as possible the time and their associates the wonderful feeling of love is the first the makings of a happy family. But, unfortunately, this period ends quickly and smoothly in the routine. On average, this time comes after 3 years of life lived, or the appearance of one or more children. But only sexual desire and passion, not enough for a lasting marriage. Usually, in the first big quarrel between the newlyweds, they realize how little they have in common and how much they have not noticed a partner before. And here is life, popularly called "for the miracle", I mean the life of spouses in the home. A large percentage of couples do not undergo a validation of feelings at this stage. But, speaking on a joint life, before your eyes immediately confronted with pans, rags, joint budget. This is just part of everyday life. But the main problem is that marry people of different social levels. And the reason is not a material level and level of education. Life-style, and thinking people are different-this is the main reason for the disconnection. Perhaps you notice that the surrounding you happy couples belong to one social layer. As soon as thefor example, a tired husband, coming home from the factory, after a hard shift, will not understand his wife, which has high dreams. But she didn't understand how the hands after the fuel oil, a husband with a calm mind dabbing on expensive towel of cloth. But there is another example of a family that were grown in one social layer is the peasants. They are equal. My husband does all the hard and responsible work, and his wife at this time looking for children and caring for her husband. All very simple, but it is precisely in such families are more likely to live a long and happy married life. In such conditions a person from a family of intellectuals will not be able to live a couple of days. In the same way girl or guy, who grew up in a simple family will not be able to get along in a family of intellectuals. The examples cited are the extreme. But in families where overlap is slightly smaller than the examples will be permanent discomfort of both spouses and this endless cursing. Such a situation will sooner or later lead to divorce, both parties do not want to save the marriage.

In conclusion, I would like to stress once again that the people of one social layer in combination with those wonderful feelings they have and create the most robust and reliable marriage.

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